There is so much to do and so little time. As photographers and entrepreneurs we always have SO many things on our minds….like…All. The. Time.
Am I efficient enough? Have I answered my clients email? Where is the next best place to shoot? Have I paid my taxes on time? When did I last post on Instagram? Am I caught up with editing?
Does this sound like you?
We wear many hats as entrepreneurs and with that comes a hefty amount of time management. I started my photography business many years ago, so that has come with a lot of trial and error, especially in the productivity department. Here are my tried and true tips for you!

Some tips for you
Set a schedule for your days during the week. Example – Mondays are for editing, Tuesdays are for ordering appointments, Wednesdays are for answering emails/inquiries, Thursdays are for brainstorming and creativity, Fridays and Saturdays are for shoot days, and Sundays are off for yourself. However your weeks work best for you, set up a schedule. Trust me, you are more likely to get more done if you set up a schedule and stick to it!
Use a CRM such as HoneyBook. A CRM will help automate tasks that take you time, like sending emails to clients, sending questionnaires, reminding them of upcoming shoots and more. It is also a great place to stay organized. All of your client communication and documents can be in one place so you’re not spending any extra time searching for xyz for your clients when you need it. And it levels up your brand…making you look like the professional you ARE.
Have a Google doc or notes page on your phone called “brain dump” and use it! Whenever inspiration strikes or you have an idea you don’t want to forget, write it down. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. It will take a load off of your mind to have one place where you put all your thoughts and ideas! Not only does it help you remember your amazing ideas, but also gets the ideas out of your brain so you can focus on the tasks that need your attention.
Bonus tip
Get yourself an accountability partner! When you are working by yourself, making all of the decisions, executing all of the work…sometimes it pays to have accountability. Whether that is a paid team member, like a Virtual Assistant, a Social Media Manager, a business coach or just a friend or fellow photographer to keep you accountable. This gives you that extra level of support and helps you further build your community around you.
Raise your hand if you feel this to your core!!
Tell me your best tips here on my IG post. I want to hear from you!!
Cindy Swanson, Cindy Swanson Photography
Want to work with me? I’d love to be your accountability partner. Visit my photographer page, here.