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I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


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The Nordstrom Sale is live – sharing my favorite finds!


July 9, 2024

Sharing my favorite deals for women over 40 at this year’s 2024 NSale!

Something that is different about the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is that it is NOT end of year clearance items. It’s actually the opposite! These are style & fashion finds that are up and coming THIS year and are marked down greatly PRIOR to going full price for the fall season. This is a really great time to stock up on staple pieces you may need for your fall/winter wardrobe. Think boots, denim, cardigans, sneakers…It’s also a great time to stock up on beauty items that you will use through out the year.

Items do sell out, and that can be frustrating!! I’ve had it happen to me. My best advice is to plan ahead, add items to your “wishlist” and then when your level opens up to shop, you can add to cart and checkout quickly. Popular picks, and the really good deals do sell out quickly….another great piece of advice is…if you really have your eye on something, grab that item and check out quickly before putting other items in your cart. This can help to ensure you get that item. In other words, just because it is in your cart…doesn’t mean it will be there when you check out. (Speaking from experience)

Nordstrom card holders get first access, and begin shopping immediately when your level opens up.

Icons – July 9-14, Ambassadors -July 10-14, and Influencers -July 11-14

Then the Nordstrom sale opens to all July 15 – August 4

There are quite a few great finds under $100!!

Striped sweater | White button up | V neck sweater | Faux leather pants | Madewell denim | dress | pajamas

Sneaker | belt | flat iron I use this one daily, great price! | Hunter boot 1 | Hunter boot 2 | Lug sole boot | suede bootie

And it’s always a good time to purchase great quality denim at a deal!

Denim 1 | denim 2 | denim 3 | denim 4 | denim 5

Sneaker | Water proof boot | bootie | sneaker

Happy shopping! I hope you are able to grab some great staple items for fall / winter 2024!

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