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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


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Senior Portrait Photographer in the DFW area – Senior Portraits Bishop Lynch High School | Megan

Senior Girls

July 18, 2018

Okay guys, I’m so behind in blogging….like…..SO behind. But I’m doing it! I’m gonna catch up!! There’s been too many awesome people through my studio to not get there lovely selves on my blog..so here goes…meet Megan!


She found out about me through her friend Shannon and I have given many thanks to that sweet mom because she has referred so much business over to me and they have all been joys to work with!

Dream job ~ Secretary of Education

My biggest accomplishment so far is…Making it through high school, haha!

My last good deed….Doing the dinner dishes 5 minutes ago.
best senior portraits in dallas texas

The perfect day for me would be….Waking up late, brunch, then laying on the beach till it’s time for a gourmet dinner with my family.

Best advice I’ve ever received…Sometimes it’s okay to say no

best senior portraits in dallas texas

I will never….Eat escargot again

Something that is over-rated….Skiing/Snow

My biggest pet-peeve….When people complain about being busy!

best senior portraits in dallas texas

Something unique & quirky about me …..I like to bake when I get stressed out, my friends love it.

My friends would say that the phrase I say the most is….Ya dingus

Something that makes me happy….Playing tennis

I may or may not be slightly obsessed with….Dallas restaurants, oh and ice cream.

I chose Cindy Swanson Photography to do my senior portraits because her pictures are wonderful! I know a lot of girls who have used Cindy and I have never seen a bad photo. Seriously!

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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


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