Wow, Maddie was an instant joy to be around! So easy to get to know, so smiley, so fun! She is an avid horseback rider and so she really wanted to incorporate that into her senior portraits, since that is such a big part of her life! It’s so fun to also get to know the personalities of these horses (they each have one, ya know?)
My dream job is…Pediatric Nurse

My biggest accomplishment so far is…Going to a recognized show with my horse
My last good deed….Playing with underprivileged kids at the Stewpot
The perfect day for me would be….Going to the mall with my friends
Best advice I’ve ever received…Never let fear prevent you from taking advantage of new opportunities
Something that makes me happy….My horse
I may or may not be slightly obsessed with….The Office
I will never….change who i am for someone else.
Something that is over-rated….whataburger
My biggest pet-peeve….people who are unkind to others
Something unique & quirky about me …..I have a phobia of mayonnaise
I chose Cindy Swanson Photography because her photography style for senior pictures is gorgeous, and i love the way her photos turn out!!