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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS

Izzy | Senior Portraits in Dallas | Senior Model Rep 2019

Senior Girls

August 1, 2018

Meet Izzy – One of my 2019 Senior Model Reps – and (1) of my Izzy’s, lol, there are 2 on my team this year! This girl loves Urban Outfitter and Free People and she knew that she wanted both a nature type look and the city so she could use both looks in clothing. So we decided on downtown and then up to White Rock Lake. We had fun trekking around Dallas and searching for new spots to shoot. I love, love how they turned out! Take a peek and meet Izzy, an upcoming senior at Rockwall High School!

My dream job to be a child therapist

My biggest accomplishment so far is…being chosen for Head Cheerleader

The perfect day for me would be….tanning on a beach all day long :)

good senior portrait photographer in dallas texas

Best advice I’ve ever received…let your light shine, always

I will never….go skydiving (way too scary!)

My biggest pet-peeve….the sound of nail clippers

good senior portrait photographer in dallas texas
good senior portrait photographer in dallas texas

good senior portrait photographer in dallas texas

good senior portrait photographer in dallas texas

Best advice I’ve ever received…let your light shine, always

I will never….go skydiving (way too scary!)

My biggest pet-peeve….the sound of nail clippers

good senior portrait photographer in dallas texasgood senior portrait photographer in dallas texas

Something unique & quirky about me …..i love art

Something that makes me happy….cheering in front of the student section every friday night

I may or may not be slightly obsessed with….my pets!! i have 2 dogs and 2 cats and i absolutely adore them

Something else random about me…i love driving around with the windows down just listening to music

I chose Cindy Swanson Photography because she is the absolute best at a senior photography and i love how invested she is with each individual she works with!good senior portrait photographer in dallas texasgood senior portrait photographer in dallas texasgood senior portrait photographer in dallas texasgood senior portrait photographer in dallas texasy

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