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I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS

Destination Senior Portraits | Malibu, California Senior Photography | Dallas Senior Portrait Photographer

Senior Girls

September 3, 2015

It’s a long post people – beware – but it’s a destination session AND my daughter soooo, I had a lot to share.

Malibu – how I miss you!

This session was a dream come true for me! Occasionally, as a photographer, you get in a rut and want to step out of your box a little bit – jump start your creative mind. It’s my daughter’s senior year (more on the shock factor to my system later), and I have done a couple of destination senior sessions in the last couple of years and thought…”what better way to help hers to be a little different AND refresh my creative mind than to do a travel session” to beach….which I love….and P.S. the beach shoot was ON my birthday!!  The other just incredibly dreamy part for me was that my youngest daughter got to come with us and a couple of my dear friends…one of whom is a photographer, so we had an absolute blast photographing my daughter throughout these few days.

We landed in LA on a Monday, had lunch overlooking the ocean, headed to makeup and hair and off to Beverly Hills we went for our first day’s shoot on Rodeo Drive. It was beautiful, and quite the experience.

california destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait sessioncalifornia destination senior portrait session

The next day we woke up to an Ah-Mazing view of the ocean, headed out to Malibu Pier to eat at Malibu Farm (loved it…it’s Pinterest in real life basically folks!) Did a little shopping then our wonderful hair and makeup ladies from Page Beauty came to our house where we were staying. They were FANtastic and am so glad to be connected to them as I will definitely be using them again in the future. I am planning more destination sessions there and will possibly be conducting a photography workshop! Tanya and Stephanie – – you guys rock!

Hair and makeup California destination sessionHair and makeup California destination sessionHair and makeup California destination sessionHair and makeup California destination sessionHair and makeup California destination session

The house and the color scheme was just to perfect to pass up…so we shot some inside the house.

Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu senior portrait beach session dallas senior photographer012Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer

Then, we hiked down to El Matador State Beach or as we referred to it – God’s country. It’s just breathtaking and full of that light that I crave….dreamy, creamy, wrap around light!! Dream come true – for reals!

My two girls….so glad we got to do this all together.

Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer

I’m going through that phase where I just can’t even believe she is a senior, and soaking up every last chance at every last minute together. She is so many things to this family…but most of all she has such a kind, caring soul….it’s been there from the start – she was that child that when she knocked someone over on the soccer field…she stopped to help them up, lol. And she provides LOTS of laughter around here

Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer
Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer
Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographerMalibu senior portraits destination session dallas senior portrait photographerMalibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer
Malibu beach destination senior portrait session  dallas senior photographer


We also shot a third day, up in the mountains…I will try and post that soon.

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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS