Sharing style, fashion, home & travel ideas with women over 40
I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves, and help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft through mentoring & education.
I also want to be a good resource for women over 40 who like to dress cute & trendy, but want to keep it age appropriate. Casual, laid back & classy tends to be my go-to!
Reach out and say hello, ask me a question, or get an outfit link. That would make my day!
Read it!
I am sharing this blog entry from Design Aglow because it speaks to me….it is how I feel about the heirloom that your photography could be… It’s been a hard day. You’re tired–and let’s face it–a little cranky. OK, a lot cranky. So to cheer yourself up, you walk over to your computer and fire up […]