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Sharing style, fashion, home & travel ideas with women over 40


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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS

Griffin | Rockwall-Heath Guys Senior Portraits in Dallas | The Fabrication Yard

Senior Guys

March 22, 2018

Griffin was sure that he wanted to use his truck which has great sentimental value to him as it was given to him by his late grandfather, he ALSO knew that he wanted a cool, unique vibe to his portraits and suggested the Fabrication Yard in Dallas – it was perfect for him! And I loved getting to shoot there! He was a breeze to work with….here’s a quick peek at his senior portraits.

Dallas senior portraits for boysMy dream job  ~  videogame developer

Dallas senior portraits for boys

I will never….Fail to make at least one dumb joke

Dallas senior portraits for boys

Something that is over-rated….Abstract/interpretive art

Something that makes me happy….Going to car meets and seeing trucks similar to mine

Dallas senior portraits for boys

Something unique & quirky about me …..I’m going to Japan this summer with my father

I may or may not be slightly obsessed with….Computers, video games, and anything technology related

Dallas senior portraits for boys

I chose Cindy Swanson Photography because….My sister Riley had a great experience and her shots were beautiful.

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Tell me more!

I'm Cindy - I help high school seniors capture their style and best version of themselves! We have a blast...let me be your own, personal hype girl! I also help help photographers, new and not-so-new, better their craft!


destination sessionS